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© 1998-2021 Linda Kunicki, Starlite Shelties- Illinois All Rights Reserved

About Us

Linda & Lennie Kunicki and Christy Calkins have been friends since 1987 when Starlites On the Move jumped in Lennie’s lap and went home with him.. Linda and Christy have co-owned, co-bred and finished shelties ever since. When you have only a couple shelties in each of our homes partnerships help achieve the goals we each seek to develop a champion.

For awhile we were separate then a  number of  years ago in 1998 Linda and Christy realized that a really good team had been formed, all on it’s own, as they worked together, breeding, choosing puppies and utilizing each person’s best skills. Through friendship and common goals for their shelties, they realized that by joining the forces and sharing costs those goals could be achieved more readily and so  they agreed to become one team with one name - Starlite Shelties

You will see Linda and Lennie with the our Shelties at shows in the Midwest and beyond. Lennie does all the driving and Linda handles the dogs in conformation.

In August of 2011 Alina Padron, Echelon Shelties, started to own Shelties with us as well. Linda and Alina had already owned Angel together since 2010.

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Lennie & Linda Kunicki


christy calkins

Christy Calkins


Our intent is to breed great dogs that will help preserve bloodlines. While we wish they could all be great champions, some few that are still very nice dogs, may be available for pets.


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